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payroll services, Vantage 24Need help running your payroll?

Outsourcing your payroll could be just what you need!   It will free up your time to focus on your business, whilst leaving you with the peace of mind that your employees are paid accurately and on time and giving you with the assurance that you remain compliant with current and forever changing employment legislation.

“We also use the latest industry leading payroll software, which means your payroll data is processed accurately and within a timely manner, regardless of how small or large your workforce.

Our services are efficient, safe, reliable and most of all cost-effective.”

What is included in our services?

• Free payroll setup
• Payment processing:  Overtime, Bonuses, Call out fees, Expenses etc
• Management of deductions: Attachment of Earnings, Student Loans etc
• Management of statutory payments: SSP, SMP, SAP, SPP
• Processing of new starters and leavers
• Departmental analysis, holiday management and sickness recording
• Pension management and submission
• Password protected Wage slips, P45’s, P60’s
• Management and notification of PAYE liabilities
• RTI submission and Year end compilation

For more information please contact us.

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